Situated in Pretoria South Africa, the Practice Group is an award winning Town Planning consultancy consisting of the following entities:
The Practice Group offers the following services:
Strategic & Integrated Spatial Planning
Guidelines for the strategic and integrated development of planning areas are formulated on behalf of and in collaboration with provincial, metropolitan and local authorities and include determining the nature, intensity and arrangement of land uses with due consideration to socio-economic factors, transport matters and development priorities in a humane and environmentally sustainable manner.
Urban Development Planning
New towns and urban areas for all income groups are planned and designed in close collaboration with affected communities and projects are coordinated to proclamation and the installation of the required infrastructure.
Acquisition of Land Use Rights & Rezoning
New or amended land use rights are acquired through applications for rezoning and planning consent and other procedures in terms of relevant legislation.
Read more about all our services here.
PlanPractice Incorporated, a town planning consultancy, was established in Pretoria in 1986. The rapid growth of the Company led to the subsequent establishment of a group of companies incorporating two support services subsidiaries, namely EnviroPractice (environmental assessment consultants) and MapPractice (an electronic mapping and draughting bureau) as part of The Practice Group. The Practice Group later collaborated with Dudla Development Planning Consultants and Tshiongolwe Development Planning Consultants to establish ADePCo (African Development Planning Consultants), a 52% black owned planning consultancy.
Read more about The Practice Group's BEE principles, Directorship, Ownership and Gender Profile.
Affirmative Action
The Practice Group of Companies supports the principle of Black Economic Empowerment and is committed to a process which is designed to correct the imbalances of the past. The Practice Group (Pty) Ltd applies an Employment Equity Policy of providing equal opportunities to all persons irrespective of race, creed or gender.
The Practice Group is also committed to the Reconstruction and Development Programme of South Africa (RDP) and its Human Resources Development Programme is in line with the RDPs chapter on Development of Human Resources.
This includes:
- Alliances with black owned consulting agencies.
- Affirmative Action and Employment Equity
- Training, and
- Social Involvement
The Group’s Resources Development Programme has both a short and longer term focus.
In the short term, the Group has implemented an Employment Equity Plan in accordance with the directives of the Department of Labour in terms of the Employment Equity Act. The Group is also a member of PLANCOM, a voluntary association of planners willing to offer pro bono service to disadvantaged communities.
In the medium to longer term, the Group awards bursaries to Technicon and University students in Town and Regional Planning. In-house training of employees is provided. The Practice Group pro-actively implements an affirmative action policy when new appointments are considered.
The Group has collaborated with Dudla Development Planning and Tshiongolwe Development Planning Consultants to create a seperate majority owned black town planning consultancy known as ADePCo (African Development Planning Consultants).
By harnessing the combined skills and experience of the principals of ADePCo, the need of larger corporate and government clients with regard to principal planning advice are addressed.