Introduction to Site Development Planning and How We Can Help

The site development plan entails a set of drawings to scale to show the proposed development of a particular property. The process forms an essential part of site planning. It includes the necessary information regarding the structures on the property, proposed changes to such structures, and the addition of new ones. It also includes details regarding the current and proposed vegetation, layout, access, and more.

Basics to Include

The diagrams show the necessary information regarding proposed developments of the property. This is essential in site planning as it indicates the current state of the property in terms of, for instance, infrastructure, drainage, and structure distance from boundary walls. At the same time, the group of plans also shows the proposed developments and how such will affect the particular property.

Examples of When You Will Need It

As a property owner, you may wish to add storage buildings and an additional residential abode to your property. However, in order to get the required approval for another housing unit and such storage structures, you will need a site development plan. It helps to determine whether there will be an encroachment of the property lines, whether sufficient access will be available, how it will affect the adjacent properties, and more.

Site planning helps to ensure that the proposed development will meet the zoning regulations relevant to the property. When it comes to commercial properties, aspects such as access to the property and the distance from intersections, schools, and places of prayer are taken into consideration. The drainage, water supply, level above the 50-year or 100-year flood line, elevation, and more must be taken into consideration. Compliance with the relevant zoning requirements helps to minimise the risk of lawsuits and insurance disputes when structures on the property are damaged because of flooding or landslides.

How It Differs from a Floor Plan

A building’s floor plan shows the arrangement of the various rooms in a particular structure. The development plan, on the other hand, provides a detailed diagram of the proposed changes to a property within specific boundary lines. It thus shows the current state and the proposed future state of the property, inclusive of the structure changes or additions to the property.

When Do You Need It?

It is essential if you, for example, want to show the structure/s in relation to the property lines, when you need information about the dimensions of a particular property and if you want to apply for a building permit for the addition of other structures to the property. You may also need it if you want to demolish structures on the property and replace such with other types of structures. Town planners can assist with site planning, the drawing of the development plans, and the submission thereof at the relevant department of the municipality or local authority.

Introduction to Site Analysis

Our town planners can perform an analysis of the particular property as part of the planning activity. This entails research and collection of the relevant data of the specific property. Factors considered include, but are not limited to driveways, property lines, easements, landscaped areas, utilities, and more.

The information is used for the creation of the plan with consideration of the building arrangement, vegetation, topography, and access elements. A such, a map is created of the proposed development.

Factors Taken Into Consideration

Aspects that affect property development include zoning, topography, vegetation, water, utilities, current buildings, and the surrounding infrastructure. Once the analysis has been performed, the proposed development plan is created to include aspects such as:

• Property lines.
• The distance of the proposed structures from the property lines.
• The current and proposed property conditions.
• The easing of specific conditions, such as building lines.
• The placement of driveways and parking areas.
• Its relation to surrounding properties.
• The surrounding infrastructure.
• The property’s elevation.
• The surrounding vegetation.

Where to Get Help

With many aspects to consider before you can erect new structures on a property, it is best to seek professional help from experienced town planners. Our firm provides an extensive range of town planning services that include site analysis, development plan drafting, and submission for approval. Get in touch for more information on how our team can help.