Spatial Planning and Other Services Available from a Leading Town and Urban Consultancy Group
As a leading town planning consultancy group in South Africa, we offer a full complement of services relevant to municipalities, developers, architects and individuals alike. Below is an introduction to some of the services and turnkey solutions offered, giving you insight as to how we can help.
Strategic and Integrated Spatial Planning
Spatial planning services form an integral part of our consultancy offering. At this level, we provide guidelines for the strategic and integrated spatial planning of relevant areas as a service to, and in collaboration with, local, metropolitan, and provincial authorities. The services include identification and assessment of the nature, magnitude, and organisation of the land use. This is done while factoring in transport needs, socio-economic factors and development needs in a way that is economically viable, beneficial to the communities in the area, humane, and environmentally sustainable.
Urban Development
Urban Development is another core service offered by our consultancy division. We plan new sections in urban areas and new towns. It also entails planning for changes to existing urban areas. The planning and design functions are performed in collaboration with the communities affected by the changes or new developments. It is also done in collaboration with existing or planned projects. We co-ordinate the process to align the projects with the relevant infrastructure installation.
Subdivision and Land Consolidation
We prepare, submit and follow-up on applications for the subdivision and consolidation of agricultural and urban land on behalf of clients. The service is comprehensive and includes consultancy services, advocacy where needed, and the drafting of the relevant site plans for application submissions.
Town Planning and Land Use Management
We assist local authorities and municipalities in the drafting, preparation, and review of town planning schemes. The service extends to relevant regulatory mechanisms for zoning and control over land use management.
Integrated Land Use and Transportation
The service entails new road, rail, and airport infrastructure planning, as well as the reviewing and upgrading of the infrastructure already in place. This is done in close cooperation with the transportation engineers to ensure the optimal and aligned integration of land use.
Water Use Licensing and Environmental Authorisation
Developers must often apply for the appropriate water use licences while the land-use projects must meet specific environmental legislative requirements. Our services include professional help and guidance with the licence applications, help with application submissions for the necessary environmental approval, and assistance with appeals regarding application rejections.
Site Planning
We prepare the site development plan together with other professionals, including civil engineers, architects and land surveyors. A well-considered site development plan is a necessary element of any successful project.
Urban Renewal and Design Frameworks
Urban decay necessitates intervention to ensure the ongoing economic viability of an area. We conduct thorough research and solve issues through urban renewal proposals and the planning of new land uses. This is done in collaboration with the relevant professionals and due consultation with stakeholders and affected communities.
Advocacy Planning
In many instances, communities and other affected parties object to development plans and submit objections to that effect. As part of our consultancy services, we represent the interests of the client at the relevant town planning meeting or appeal hearing.
Project Facilitation
In most instances, communities are affected by proposed developments, whether positively or negatively. To achieve the necessary transparency related to development projects, the public must be allowed to participate in a project’s development. Our consultancy services include acting as facilitators for public participation and preventing undue delay of the client’s development project.
Development Investigation and Professional Advice
We perform due diligence investigations to help determine the viability of a particular property for the development project the client has in mind. We submit a report to the client detailing our findings, together with advice on the procedures and meeting of specific environmental requirements. The advice extends to aspects related to the time frame and expenses of alternative development concepts for the particular property.
In Conclusion
Whether you require due diligence assistance, help with the re-zoning of a property, or professional input for urban renewal, you will appreciate our range of town planning consultancy services. Get in touch for further information and learn more about how an experienced partner can bring your development dreams to full fruition.