As an established town planning, Pretoria-based company, we offer a full range of urban, regional and town planning services. These services are offered countrywide though our head office is located in Pretoria. We’ve briefly explained some of the town planning terminology to help you gain a better understanding of the services we offer.


It describes the total area that will be affected by the erection of a building structure on a particular property space. The word is mostly used in land use scheme applications regarding the total footprint of all the building structures on a subject property. The coverage is often depicted in percentage.


The term is used to describe the maximum dwelling units allowed per hectare of subject land. If the density is set at maximum 1 dwelling unit per 1000m2 then you will not be allowed to add a second dwelling on the same space.

Line of No Access

This is normally a line on the boundary of a property to which there may not be any access routes directly from an external road. Such lines are often found where properties border national roads within a specific municipal area.


The word refers to the process of amending provisions or the entire land use scheme to have specific land use restrictions removed or changed for a particular property.

Site Development Plan

The SDP as it is often referred to, is the plan used in a land use scheme to show the proposed development for a particular property. The plan shows the location of buildings, access routes, landscapes, building lines, parking areas, and servitudes. The SDP is often a prerequisite for the approval of the building plan for a specific property.


The term describes a part of a property over which a specific service such as sewage, electrical cables or water lines is installed. No building can take place on the servitude area. Such an area can also be reserved for an access route to an adjacent property. The servitude is registered at the Deeds Office.

SG Diagram

It refers to the Surveyor General Diagram, which is a diagram of the property that has been approved by the Surveyor General Office and which shows the property boundaries and servitudes registered on the property.

Zoning Certificate

It is a municipal approved certificate to certify that the subject property can be used for specific listed land uses. It also indicates the limitations such as density of dwellings, the height and coverage, specific parking areas and limitations on the floor footprint.

Contact us for town planning services in Pretoria or any other city or town in South Africa.