Town Planning

Professional Urban Development and Town Planning Consultancy Services in Pretoria

PlanPractice Incorporated, a well-respected town planning consultancy firm located in Pretoria, opened doors for the first time in 1986. Since its inception, the company has grown into a larger group of companies consisting of two subsidiary services known as EnviroPractice and MapPractice – both part of The Practice Group.

EnviroPractice offers environmental assessment services, whilst MapPractice is our electronic mapping and drafting bureau.

The Practice Group offers a full range of town planning services and because of our extensive experience in mapping, township establishment and environmental assessment, we are able to provide multi-disciplinary solutions to our clients. Some of the services on offer are briefly introduced below to provide an indication of our expertise and service scope in South Africa:

  • Urban Development: We plan new towns and urban areas to meet the growing housing and urban development demands in South Africa. This is done in close collaboration with relevant communities and covers all income groups.
  • Obtaining Land Use Rights and Rezoning: We apply for and obtain new or amended land use rights through rezoning and planning consent applications in accordance with the required procedures in terms of the relevant laws.
  • Investigation of Development Potential: Clients benefit from our expertise in the assessment of the development potential of a specific property. The results of the investigation are compiled in a report and submitted to clients. This report includes recommendations regarding planning procedures, meeting of relevant environmental requirements, the costs and time implications for implementing the development proposal, and alternatives.
  • Subdivision and Consolidation of Land: We apply for the subdivision or consolidation of urban and farmland on behalf of our clients.
  • Mining Rights and Land Use Compliance: We assist mining companies in assessing compliance with relevant land use legislation as it relates to mining rights.
  • Urban Renewal and Design Frameworks: As part of ateam of urban and town planners and related professionals, we assess urbanisation challenges and seek solutions through research and by applying modern planning methods. We ensure ongoing consultation with all affected parties.
  • Town Planning and Land Use Schemes: We review and prepare town planning and land use schemes on behalf of municipalities.
  • Strategic & Integrated Spatial Planning: We develop guidelines for strategic and integrated development of planning areas on behalf of and in close collaboration with municipalities and other authorities. This includes the identification and assessment of the concentration and arrangement of land uses in relation to socio-economic, transport, and development priority factors to ensure environmentally sustainable development.

The above are a few of the services available to private individuals, business entities, municipalities and other authorities. Contact us today for town planning assistance and benefit from our extensive resources, experience and knowledge base.