Help with Property Subdivision in Gauteng

Our town and regional planners in Gauteng are often approached by clients wanting to subdivide their properties for development purposes. Indeed, subdivision of residential properties has become increasingly popular in the higher end of the residential market.

The higher living costs of today, combined with the high cost of maintaining large property stands, and the rates associated with such, are some of the reasons for subdivision. However, many property owners consider subdivision specifically for development, with the aim of making money from selling the stands or the developed properties.

A third reason for the trend, as noted by town and regional planners in Gauteng, is the high cost of security for larger stands. With high crime rates in Gauteng, more and more people opt for secure estate or complex living. This creates a demand for properties located in secure developments.

However, before you commence with the subdivision of your property, you need to speak to town and regional planners in Gauteng. Factors, such as the zoning regulations of the municipality regarding the particular residential suburb, must be considered. Also, consider the property density allowed. Of course, you also need to consider the demand for such properties in your particular suburb, and the market prices for properties in the area.

Keep in mind that subdivision takes time and various requirements must be met for approval. You will need the help of experienced town and regional planners in Gauteng to this end. If you plan to develop the subdivided properties, you will also need their assistance, and it will be best to work with a reputable and experienced developer.

The costs regarding subdivision and subsequent development of the properties are high. It is imperative to make sure that you have the required funds. You do not want to run out of funds before the process is completed, as this will mean excessive financial losses and the inability to sell the properties.

Our town and regional planners in Gauteng can also assist with due diligence, to determine the viability of subdivision and development of the particular properties. They have experience with such developments, and are familiar with the various zoning laws and regulations for all the areas in Gauteng. It will surely be in your best interest to have a feasibility study conducted before jumping head first into subdivision and development.

Important considerations include the zoning rights in the particular area, and the various bylaws relevant to the specific zoning category. As our town and regional planners in Gauteng will explain, each town plan is divided into land use areas. These areas are divided into zones for land usage, such as residential, commercial, and industrial. You will need to look at the zoning rights of the particular area to determine if you can subdivide the property, and whether there are restrictions regarding density.

A stand of 500 square metres in the larger spatial development framework of one municipality in Gauteng may be considered low density, but in an affluent suburb of another municipality, it may be considered high density. Another important consideration, as mentioned earlier, is the cost of subdivision. Our experienced town and regional planners will be able to provide you with highly accurate cost estimates.

Do not forget about the time factor. Subdivision is not done overnight. The process involves aspects such as a detailed survey and preparation of the layout plan by the town and regional planner. The town planner submits the complete application together with the survey and applicable supporting documents to the local authority. The application is also advertised in the government gazette and relevant media to call for public participation.

Where members of the public object to the subdivision and subsequent development, our town and regional planners in Gauteng will address such. Also forming part of the process is a detailed technical assessment by an engineer to create a geotechnical report regarding water and electricity access where relevant. The city council reviews the application and makes a decision. You also have the right to appeal the decision, if it is not in your favour.

If there is a bond on the property, you will need to get permission from the bondholder before you can subdivide the property. This also entails a separate process, since you will need approval from the Registrar of Deeds, the local authority, and the Surveyor General. To this end, a land surveyor will draft the site diagrams for submission to the relevant parties.

Avoid pitfalls in the process. Get expert assistance from our town and regional planners in Gauteng, if you want to subdivide and develop your property.