Four Types of Urban Development Planning Explained

If town planning is the tilling of the soil, urban development is planting the seedlings that ultimately grow into thriving communities. Situated in Pretoria, South Africa, our award-winning consultancy, The Practice Group, offers you a summary of the four fundamental ways town planners develop a happy urban community.

1) Planning of Land Use:

Tilling the soil is possibly the most important facet of urban development. Planning and reserving spaces of land for various uses begins with legislation. Urban planners use current rules and regulations, government statutes and policies to achieve this. They evaluate the location, type and size of the land needed and separate them into zones to be used for different purposes, including:

  • Residential – for housing the community
  • Municipal – for legal process and administration
  • Industrial – for warehouses and manufacturing

2) Environmental Planning:

 Sustainable urban development cannot be achieved without collaborations between town planners, environmentalists, and relevant government departments. In conjunction with these entities, the following considerations need to be taken into account:

  • Air and noise pollution
  • Habitats of endangered species
  • Coastal zone erosion
  • Susceptible flood zones and wetlands

3) Infrastructure and Transportation:

Road locations, public amenities and transportation need to be allocated by considering the land-use map. The intelligent use of space through zoning allocations and other agreed-upon requirements will create facilities and systems that serve the city and its populace. Successful urban development planning addresses these factors by supplying the following:

  • Community infrastructure – Schools, hospitals, public parking and recreational facilities
  • Safety and security – Police, traffic law enforcement and fire service facilities
  • Public works infrastructure – Such as water supply, electricity, sewage and communications
  • Transportation – Road allocation and accommodation of road, rail, and air transportation facilities

4) Economic Development:

Creative use of the relevant zoning space by town planners may entice businesses to build or acquire property in an area that encourages gross domestic growth within the city. These companies then create further prosperity by employing the local populace. The increase in civilian movement to newly occupied space encourages support for commerce such as shopping centres, restaurants, fuel stations, entertainment facilities and a host of additional business enterprises.

Strategic, master and site planning along with urban revitalisation and design, and others, are all types of urban development planning. Expertly integrating these techniques in unison, resulting in a healthy city and a happy, employed urban population could be achieved through consultations with professional industry leaders like The Practice Group.

We harness our combined skills, knowledge and ethical conduct to create a multifaceted team effort to prepare cities and towns for the future. This involves in-depth interaction between communities, government departments, public-private partnerships, and consultations with economists, environmentalists and all other relevant entities. Get in touch with us as we’re investing our expertise in developing the successful cities of tomorrow.


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