As urban and regional development planning consultants, we offer an extensive range of services to corporate clients, developers, municipalities and local government agencies. Part of urban and regional development planning entails the designing and co-ordination of projects in close collaboration with various professionals and the affected communities. Other urban and regional development planning related services we offer are briefly discussed below.

Urban Renewal and Design Frameworks

We assist in the researching and planning for renewal and regeneration of urban areas where urban decay has set in. This includes planning of new land uses, such as schools, clinics, parks, residential areas, taxi ranks, railway lines, airports and commercial centres. The entire process is done in consultation with interested and affected parties.

Integrated Land Use and Transportation Planning

These services focus on the planning of transportation facilities such as roads, railway lines, and airports and planning the upgrading of the current infrastructure. We work closely with the transport and traffic engineers to ensure the optimum integration of land uses.

Strategic and Integrated Spatial Planning

Our professional team develops integrated development plans and spatial development frameworks in collaboration with and on behalf of local authorities for their areas of jurisdiction. This service includes the assessment of the current land use and planned land uses considering factors such as transportation, urgent development priorities, economic factors, environmental impact and community needs.

Town Planning and Land Use Management

We prepare and review town planning schemes and regulatory requirements regarding management, zoning and control of specific land uses for local municipalities and metropolitan municipalities.

Investigation and Professional Advice regarding Developments

Our team assesses the development potential of a property and presents our findings in a report. The assessment includes a review of the environmental compliance requirements, availability of engineering services and procedures and related cost of procuring land use rights.

Advocacy Planning

In the event that a client’s town planning application is opposed, we prepare for and appear at the tribunal hearing on behalf of the client. During the tribunal hearing the merits of the proposed development are argued and the objector’s concerns addressed.

Environmental Authorisation and Water Use Licensing

Water use licenses and environmental authorisations for proposed land development projects of our clients are procured. Where needed, we represent the client in the appeal processes to obtain the required environmental authorisations.

Site Planning

Site development plans are prepared in close cooperation with surveyors, engineers and architects for the purpose of motivating and implementing a particular site development proposal. The site development plans have to comply with the local authority’s specifications which include amongst other building lines, building restriction areas, the footprint(s) of the proposed structures on the property, access and services reticulation.

Electronic Mapping

The Practice Group provides professional draughting and mapping services related to township layouts and site development plans.

Eco-tourism & Resort Planning

Environmental assessments, development potential investigations, and acquisition of land use rights for resorts and eco-tourism facilities are offered. Projects range from leisure resorts to game lodges and marinas.

Mining Rights and Land Use Compliance

Our team assists mining companies in assessment of compliance with current land use legislation.

Other Services

We also offer services related to sub-division and consolidation of urban and agricultural land, project facilitation and community projects.

Contact us for professional urban and regional development planning assistance in South Africa.