Site development plans form an integral part of site planning. These drawings depict the features and details of the proposed development on the property. In essence, the plans are graphical representations of a proposed development which include the arrangement of the landscape features and structures.

Site development plans are detailed plans drawn to scale which show the exact dimensions of buildings and structures, layout of the site, limitations on usage, heights, structure elevations, drainage, access roads, and more. Site development plans must be drawn up and submitted to the relevant municipal office for approval before the developer can commence with the erection of any structures on a site.

The requirements of the site development plan are stipulated by the specific municipality. Making use of an experienced town planning consultancy group, such as The Practice Group for the drafting and submission of site development plans, holds the benefits of:

• A site development plan draughted in accordance with the required regulations.
• The submission of a site development plan by experts, familiar with the procedures.
• Experts providing the developer with guidance regarding zoning and regulations.
• Co-ordination between the engineer, surveyor and architect to ensure compliance.

The site development plan has to be approved prior to approval of building plans by the relevant authority. A draft site development plan has to accompany an application for land use rights in support thereof. After a municipality accepts a draft site development plan and approves the application for land use rights a formal plan is submitted as part of the building plan approval process.

A building plan will only be approved if it is in accordance with the development proposals of the site development plan submitted. The municipality at its own discretion may however approve a building plan that deviates from the site development plan proposal(s) if such deviations are for good reason and properly motivated.

Some of the details and requirements of the site development plan are briefly listed below, but take note that the list is by no means comprehensive:

• It should include a key plan with an arrow indicating north.
• Existing contours.
• Indication of any building restrictions such as coverage, height, building lines and floor area ratio.
• Proposed parking areas.
• Indication of existing servitudes if any.
• Proposed play areas.
• Entrances and access to buildings, parking areas and the site by vehicles and pedestrians.
• Proposed sub-division lines where relevant.
• Architectural elevations of the buildings.
• Open areas.
• Fences and physical barriers.
• Access control booms and guard houses.
• Clear description of all the proposed land uses with complete details for each one proposed.
• Indication of the 100 year flood line if relevant.

Contact us at The Practice Group for professional town planning assistance regarding the drafting and submission of site development plans.